Honoring Our Heroes

Honoring Our Heroes: Celebrating Veteran’s Day 2024

Honoring our heroes

Veterans Day is a time for honoring our heroes.

We celebrate and give thanks for the brave men and women who serve (and have served) in our armed forces.

This day, set aside for honoring our heroes, can inspire important life lessons for younger generations.

These are lessons about courage, selflessness, and a love for country which can revive the patriotism that America so desperately needs again.

For the veteran, thank you for bravely doing what you’re called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do. – Author unknown.

A dear friend sent me this link below.

This is one of the most beautiful versions I have heard of this song and I can’t help but shed a few tears of gratitude when I hear it.

God bless America.

Here is The Battle Hymn of the Republic:


What’s Next, America?

Wondering What’s Next, America?

Considering the ever-rising political tensions dividing our country over the past four years, this stressful time in our nation’s history will only continue.

The divide between political parties seems even bigger than before – no doubt with the help of the mainstream news media.

Even so, none of this is a surprise to our Heavenly Father.

God is sovereign and in control over all things.

God’s plan for our country will follow the course that He has already set forth –  and that includes the election results.

God will bless or curse this nation according to the choices we make. Let us get up, get out, and make our voices heard. Let us fervently pray for the Lord’s mercy to be upon us! May He graciously provide leaders—men and women—whose hearts are aligned with His. – Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and a nationally syndicated TV & Radio host. 1

What’s Next, America? Share His Message

What's Next, America?

What’s next, America?

Is there anything that we can do?

Yes . . . PRAY.

We need a spiritual awakening in our nation.

However, at the same time, we must recognize that our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven (see Phil 3:20-21).

Our mission as Christians is to reach the world for Christ.

In other words, as this pastor clearly explains:

To care enough about the people in this life to make sure that they join us in the next. – Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher and author.2

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1 Pastor Jack Hibbs quotation, courtesy of Real Life with Jack Hibbs, “Get Up, Get Out, and Stand,” 21 October, 2024, para. 6. Web. Copyright © 2024 Pastor Jack Hibbs. All rights reserved. Accessed October 25, 2024. Retrieved from https://jackhibbs.com/get-up-get-out-and-stand/


Your Vote: Make It Count

Your Voice, Your Vote: Make It Count!

Last Saturday, we met up with family at a local breakfast hotspot.

We had the best time!

Of course, the youngest in our party stole the show. At five years old, she is adorable and hilarious.

We colored together at the table and all of us got to hear about her latest adventures in kindergarten.

My husband and I love that precious little girl.

I look into her eyes and wonder what her future will be like.

Sometimes, it’s a frightening prospect.

This is not the same America I grew up in. I used to feel relatively safe, but not anymore.

Our country needs prayer and a major spiritual revival.

Here’s another thing . . . everyone needs to vote.

Election Day 2024 is right round the corner and early voting has already begun.

Have you heard the disturbing statistic that over 40 million Christians do not vote?

Not only that, why aren’t more churches encouraging their congregations to vote?

I find that beyond comprehension.

Your Vote: Make It Count

Your vote counts

From what I’ve heard, one of the reasons some people give for “not voting” is:

“Bad moral character”

Friends – we are all sinners and, even more importantly, we are not trying to elect a Savior.

There is only one Savior through whom we can be saved – Jesus Christ.

However, we are electing a President and Vice-President.

Whomever wins will be sitting at the same table with other world leaders over the next four years making major decisions that will affect our great country deeply – and that’s you and me on a personal level.

As evidenced in the Bible, God has, and still can, use “flawed” leaders to accomplish His will.

Besides praying, the best we can do regarding the election is to vote for the candidate whose platform most closely aligns with the Judeo-Christian values our country was founded upon.

Think of all of the veterans who have fought tirelessly for our freedoms.

You matter, and your vote matters.

Please pray for the election outcome, and also for peace in our nation no matter who wins.

Please vote, and encourage others to do the same.

The future of the next generation is at stake.

The next generation


Bring the Bible to Life for Children

Creative Ways to Bring the Bible to Life for Children

Bring the Bible to life for children

When I first started reading the Bible, I couldn’t wait to look up photos of the places that I had read about in Scripture.

For instance, when a Bible passage mentioned the name of a town, like Jericho, I would look for a map and all of the pictures I could find. I used the same method for looking up important rivers and other Biblical landmarks.

The Bible really came alive for me after that – confirming that everything the Bible says is true and the inspired Word of God.

The Nile River

The Nile River

Using pictures as well as audio commentaries along the way – I was able to read through the entire Bible in a year. Every morning, I looked forward to my “quiet time.”

Parents who assign a “family time” for reading Bible stories together with their kids are, in my humble opinion, to be admired.

It’s also encouraging that there are many creative ways to bring the Bible to life for children.

Bring the Bible to Life for Children

Recently, I was reading through the most recent issue of Focus on the Family.

I love this little magazine and highly recommend it for helping families to grow together in their faith.

There are some great tips in there, including creative Bible lessons that might work for your family as well.

For instance, why not take a field trip?

Kids love going to the zoo!

Creative Bible lesson at the Zoo

As you see all of the amazing animals, that’s the perfect time to talk about Noah and the Ark.

19 And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. 20 Of the birds according to their kind, and of the animals according to their kind, of every crawling thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive. – Genesis 6:19-20, (NASB).

Here are a couple more great ideas mentioned in the magazine.

“Don’t be afraid to take your Bible time on the go. A botanical garden might work for a story about the Garden of Eden. A seaside read could help your kids better understand the reality of Jesus calming a stormy sea.”from Focus on the Family.

These creative ideas not only help children remember Bible stories, but can also help them foster a deeper connection to their faith.

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Author Jenny Nanninga quotation, Oct/Nov 2024 Newsletter, “Let’s Read a Bible Story”, Courtesy of Focus on the Family , n.d. para. 14. Web. Accessed 18 October, 2024.


The Ultimate Move


The Ultimate Move

“We are never moving again!”

Sound familiar?

If you’ve ever moved to a new place, then you know what a hassle it can be.

I remember when my husband and I moved to our current house.

We were so excited!

That is, until it came time to pack up everything at the old house. Lol.

We had a two story house at the time and, as you can imagine, there was a lot of carrying boxes of different sizes up and down those stairs.

Stairs that seemed to grow longer each passing moment.

Over and over . . .

While my husband was at work, I took it upon myself to get the upstairs packed as much as possible.

Boxes, peanut stuffing, and packing tape were everywhere.

I was going along at a good clip until . . . two sprained knees and a swollen ankle later, my role as most enthusiastic helper was completely obliterated.

The move

Actually, a lot worse than this!

My old knee injury reared its ugly head in a very painful way.

You can bet after that, we declared “We are never moving again.”

Of course as Bible-believing Christians, we know that some day we will make the ultimate move to our eternal home.

Now that’s a move we can look forward to!

We will reunite with our saved loved ones, but most importantly meet our Lord and Savior!

In the meantime, we must trust in God’s plan.

His timing is always perfect.

May these words of Jesus encourage you!

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be. – John 14:3, (NASB).

Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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