Independence Day 2023

Independence Day 2023: A Day to Celebrate AmericaIndependence Day 2023Hello friends!

On this Tuesday, Independence Day 2023, we’d like to wish you and yours a very Happy July 4th!

May you have a blessed day and never forget the sacrifices of our forefathers in the founding of America.

Thank You Heavenly Father for this country

and for the freedoms we have enjoyed for so long.Happy Fourth of July











Let Freedom Ring!


It’s A Baby!

It’s A Baby! 

Usually when a TV commercial comes on, my husband and I grab the remote to quickly scan past it.

In my humble opinion, many commercials these days just aren’t interesting, inspiring, or funny anymore.

But recently we saw one that captured our attention.

I have to give props to Focus On the Family for this one.

Thank you Focus On The Family for focusing on an important issue in our day.

The commercial, “It’s A Baby!”, speaks for itself.

Every one of us, born and unborn, is made in God’s image.

We’re special to God.

This isn’t a political matter, it’s a God issue.

In this beloved verse from Psalm 139, the author confirms God’s creative power and sovereignty over all things.

It's a baby

It’s A Baby – Children Are a Gift From the Lord

How about some positive news from corporate America?

Recently I read an article about a company that now offers a “baby bonus” for its employees – $5000 for any employee who will have, or adopt a baby.

My prayer is that more companies will follow suit, or come up with their own incentives to protect innocent lives in expectant families.

That’s the kind of news that gives me hope for corporate America after all. 

Also, if you’re a mom-to-be struggling with some issues and wanting someone to talk to, you can call 1-800-A-Family.

You are not alone.

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Distractions in the Skies

Distractions In The Skies – Do You Believe in UFOs?

Distractions in the skiesIf you’ve watched the news lately, then you’ve probably heard that UFOs (commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects) are back in the headlines again.

There’s another name for them too – UAP, which stands for Unexplained Anomalous Phenomenon.

No matter what you call them, this fascination with mysterious UFO/UAP sightings has reached a fever pitch lately.

Several television shows, YouTube videos, and more are dedicated to the hunt for extraterrestrials – all of which encourage viewers to believe the idea that “aliens are among us.”

So, do you believe?

While you’re pondering, let’s take a look at how popular that question is.

One sample on a popular search engine produced over 225,000 results for the query, “Do UFOs exist?”

Granted, there are some very compelling accounts from people claiming to have seen UFOs overhead, and now viral reports of a recent sighting in a family’s backyard.

Fascinating indeed, but as Christians, here’s where we need to pause.

Distractions to our Faith

Don’t we have enough distractions to our faith?

I’m not here to prove or disprove the existence of UFOs. I’m not an expert on those things.

However, my objective here is to issue a sincere warning instead.

Let’s start with Scripture.

Check out this verse from Ephesians where Paul instructs them to put on the full armor of God to protect them from spiritual warfare.

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11, (NASB).1

Whether we’re talking about the mid-50’s AD, or our current day in 2023, nothing has changed. The Evil One has not gone away.

As believers, we’re to be ready for spiritual warfare, and this includes the battle for our minds and hearts.

UFOs and UAP Distractions in the Skies

UFOs and UAPs – are they simply aberrations, or real sightings?

Whatever they are – the bottom line is that they are not of God.

It’s heartbreaking that so many people will easily reject the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (actual historical facts), and yet without question, believe in aliens coming here from outer space.

I remember some research I did awhile back which indicated that when Christians are raptured, a world in chaos will try to explain this “taking away” of millions of believers.

Considering what we know about space and life and the world as the Bible portrays it, we already have an explanation for so-called alien activity on Earth. Reports of “close encounters” describe the ethereal, transient, deceptive, and malevolent. Accounts also record that encounters with supposed aliens can be stopped by a real, authentic call to Jesus. Everything points to the activity of demons, not extraterrestrials. In fact, it is plausible that the “powerful delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11will involve an alien-abduction theory to explain away the rapture.Got

We must be discerning as we hear news reports about more signs and wonders that are sure to come in the years ahead.

As intriguing as these phenomena are, they are also demonic distractions to our spiritual walk.

We were forewarned about this in Scripture.

However, despite the dark times up ahead for us as Christians, there is Good News.

No – it’s great news!

Our redemption draws near.

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from, from “How would it impact the Christian faith if it was discovered that aliens exist? n.d., para. 6. Web. Accessed June 19, 2023. Demonic in origin


The Best Way to Wait on God

The Best Way To Wait On God For Answers To Our Prayers

Let’s face it: waiting can be hard.

I admit, I’m not a huge fan.

But as you know, God doesn’t always answer our prayers right away.

Not only that, sometimes His answer is “yes,” sometimes “no,” and sometimes He answers, “wait.”

“Wait” can be just as hard as a “no” answer.

Even so, that is not the time to give up praying!

The best way to wait on God is through continuing to pray.

If you are praying with right motives, then keep on keeping on.

And While You’re Waiting . . . 

Think about it – it takes a lot of trust on our part to even get on an airplane.

Trust while you wait

Every time we board a plane we trust that the pilot has the knowledge and skills to bring us safely to our destination.

On a grander and eternal scale, God has the controls and always has our best interests at heart.

Taking a look back in history: our Heavenly Father Himself wanted the captive Jews in Babylon to remember His promises as delivered by the prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah’s letter to the people, they were assured that God’s intentions are never evil, but through Him there is a future, a glorious end to forward to.

Fast forward to modern day: how quickly that we too can forget that God is faithful in the center of our storms.

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11, (NASB).

We may not see or understand how God is working behind the scenes, but we can trust that His timing and His answers will always be perfect.

Poet M.S. Lowndes eloquently describes the struggles we face as we wait on God. 

Wait With Faith

Lord, you have faithfully shown me
So many times before
And this time is no exception, Lord,
And simply can’t be ignored

That you know all that concerns my life,
Everything your eyes do see
You always come through at just the right time
To meet my every need

For nothing escapes your watchful eye,
No problem that we may cross
But so often, Lord, it seems as though
There’s a delay in your response

I know it’s a testing of our faith
To wait so patiently
You stretch us so our faith may grow,
Though we want it instantly

But it’s for our good that you respond
In your time, not in ours,
For if you didn’t – we’d stay as infants,
Getting everything right now

For us to grow more Christ-like,
We need to learn to wait,
For often that’s the answer to prayer
And builds us up in faith

So I thank you for the answer to come
As I hand it over in prayer
Thank you that you’re still working on me
And my breakthrough’s drawing near.

© By M.S.Lowndes

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1Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Poetry courtesy of M.S. Lowndes. “Wait With Faith.” [online post]. From, ©M.S. Lowndes, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed June 8, 2023.


June Is Fidelity Month

Christians, feel free to spread the word!

June is Fidelity Month.

What is that, you say?

I’m so glad you asked. 😉

Actually, I just found out about it myself.

June is Fidelity Month

Per the idea’s founder, the designation of Fidelity Month is to:

restore unity, heal division, and bring out what is best and most noble in our country by a return to fidelity: Rededicating ourselves to God, our spouses and families, our communities, and country. – Dr Robert George, Heritage Foundation.

In a culture that reeks of disrespect towards God, celebrating Fidelity Month is a refreshing and positive response to what the world dishes out on a daily basis.

The scoffers can deny it all they want, but our great country was founded on Godly principles.

We need to return to those principles so we can help restore America to her rightful place as a shining example to the world.

Luke 1:37 tells us, “for nothing will be impossible for God.”

Fidelity Month is a small grassroots step in a positive direction.

Please join me in praying for our country and a return to fidelity.

In the meantime, we must accept and trust in God’s plan completely, for our eternity with Him will be glorious.

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-Quotation from Dr. Robert George, “Why Fidelity Month?” Web. Retrieved from: Fidelity Month

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