Paw Prints On Our Hearts

Paw Prints On Our Hearts

Sometimes blog posts are hard to write.

This will be one of those.

A few days ago, we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Siberian Husky, Ellie.

Pawprints on our hearts

Every husky we’ve ever owned becomes a cherished family member.

And, when we’ve had to say goodbye to one, our hearts break into a million pieces.

Paw prints on our hearts that last forever.

A Day of Heartbreak

On Wednesday, we could tell something was wrong.

We had leashed both of our huskies, ready as usual to go for their morning walk. Usually at that time, Ellie is fussing at us.

Let’s go! Let’s go, people!

She could be quite exuberant at 6 a.m. in the morning.

Except that day, she wasn’t.

We walked a few paces and were alarmed at her demeanor.

Something was seriously wrong.

Our vet got us in that very same day. He took one look and, after some tests, told us to get her to the ER – NOW.

The ER vet performed X-Rays and other tests, and then we got the worst news.

A large tumor had developed quickly on her spleen. Ellie was severely bleeding on the inside and dangerously anemic.

The vet said she wouldn’t even last the night.

Through many tears, my husband and I sat on the floor with our girl, held and comforted her.

She knew we were there.

As the last shot took hold, her body relaxed in peace, and she went home.

Thank you God, for bringing her into our lives.

Paw Prints on our Hearts: A Tribute to Ellie

Like all of our huskies, we loved Ellie to a fault and were honored to give her a little piece of heaven at our house.

Even though all Sibes are beautiful, Ellie was an actual former beauty queen.

Our beauty queen

She came to us as a retired 7-year-old, after several years spent in the show ring.

It was here at our house though, that she realized she could just be a dog.

As our longtime vet liked to joke, “It’s a husky Shangri-La at your house!”

We have so many happy and hilarious memories of her (an endearing husky trait).

Memories to Last a Lifetime

One of our favorite Ellie memories was when we first got her.

She realized she wasn’t just visiting our house, but she had found her forever home.

My husband and I were sitting on the couch while she was sniffing around and exploring her new digs.

We watched as the realization finally hit her.

I get to stay here!!

She literally ran and jumped in between us on the couch – all 40 pounds of her!

We will miss that precious smile on her face every day as she romped around in our backyard and chased the cicadas on our oak tree.

I will miss her sneaking into my office every morning for an extra treat – our little secret.

Not one for subtlety, here she is reminding us it’s dinner time.

It's dinner time!

I will miss her play fighting with our male husky.

“Okay you two, break it up!”

He looks for her now . . . but she isn’t there.

We are forever grateful to God for letting us care for this magnificent creature on earth – from His blessed gallery of the extraordinary.

Her brilliant smile

If love were enough,

Ellie, you would have lived forever.

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Another Great Sunrise Coming

Another Great Sunrise Coming: The Light of the World

Not that long ago, I woke up to this . . .Another great sunriseAnother great sunrise that took my breath away.

How much the Father loves us!

Reflecting on St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in Ireland, one of the founders of the Institute for Creation Research, the late Dr. Henry M. Morris once said, “God has graciously clothed the lands of all His creation (not just Ireland) with beautiful, eye-soothing, green grass and trees. Think how eye-jarring it would be if all the world were clothed in purple or orange!(Henry M. Morriss, PH.D quote, March 17, 2005)

How much God desires to have communion with each one of us.

Will we answer that call?

There’s another great sunrise coming: The Light of the World – Jesus!

The following verse in the meme below comes from the Book of Zephaniah and was specifically directed to Israel.  At the time of this writing, Israel was under the rule of King Josiah in the 7th century B.C. 

The prophet Zephaniah minced no words – both warning the people of God’s judgment on the wicked and, at the same time, encouraging the righteous that God will bless them for their faithfulness.

The prophet’s words of assurance serves as a timeless reminder of the loving and righteous character of our omnipresent God.

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord our God is with His people, no matter where we are right now (and at this very moment) in this great big world of ours.

Another Great Sunrise Coming: The Wonder All Around Us

Bestselling Christian author, Susie Larson, published a post recently that I wanted to share.

I love her perspective here . . .

Yes, every good gift indeed comes from above, from the heart of a Father who loves us. We overlook so much of the immeasurable kindness of our Father. Every good and beautiful thing comes from His hand. Our lives would be so much richer if we slowed down long enough to notice the wonder all around us.Author Susie Larson.2

Let’s slow down, dear child of God.

There is another great sunrise coming, as promised in the last chapter of the Old Testament. “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2). He who is Himself “the light of the world” (John 8:12) will someday even replace the sun in the new Jerusalem. There will never be another sunrise after that, for “there shall be no night there . . . neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light” (Revelation 22:5).Henry M. Morriss, PH.D, christian apologist.3

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1 Quotation courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research. By Dr. Henry Madison Morriss, PH.D. From “Green Pastures” (St. Patrick’s Day), March 17, 2005. para. 4. Web. Accessed 7th August, 2023. Retrieved from

2 Bestselling Christian author, Susie Larson, quotation. Excerpt from and courtesy of, “Is Feeling Good the Same as Feeling God.” From Susie’s book, “Closer Than Your Next Breath.”

3 Quotation courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research. By Dr. Henry Madison Morriss, PH.D. From “The dayspring From On High”, December 24, 2002. para. 5. Web. Accessed 2 August, 2023. Retrieved from


Hopeful Or Hopeless?

Are You Feeling Hopeful or Hopeless About Your Future?

trouble everywhere

Reality check.

Are you feeling hopeful, or hopeless?

If this is one of those periods in your life when nothing seems to be going right, please don’t despair.

The thing is, we were never promised an easy life.

There was never a guarantee that we would live out our lives problem-free.

Look around.

It seems that trouble of one kind or another is everywhere.

Hopeful or Hopeless – Subject Your Troubles to Jesus

What did Jesus say about trouble?

Imagine yourself witnessing the Lord’s Supper in person.

Judas betrayed Jesus

Jesus told the disciples they could not follow Him where He was going

Peter learned that he would deny Jesus three times

All of this was pretty overwhelming for the disciples to take in.

Jesus knew their hearts were troubled.

To comfort them, Jesus said:

And please, let these words of our Savior encourage you as well.

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be. 4 And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas *said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going; how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:1-6, (NASB).1

When trouble seems to be over your head, remember it is under His feet.

Take your heart and your prayers to Jesus – our blessed Savior and a distinct living person in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You are in His powerful grip, dear child of God!

He cares for you.

What follows, I believe, is right on point.

This trial is sent for my good; it does not spring out of the dust; the Lord Himself is the supreme disposer of it; for I am sure it could not come without His sending or permission. It is very painful to bear; but let me look up to Him who sits at God’s right hand; let me believe that He has appointed me this peculiar trial; it is in subjection under His feet along with every other circumstance. He will bring about His own will therein, and remove the trial, or give me patience under it, and submission to it.J.C. Philpot, theologian.2

Give all of your concerns to God.

Trust Him.

Let’s take a look at what Paul taught to encourage the church of Corinth.

Whatever we are facing today, no matter how challenging these afflictions are, is preparation for an eternal glory beyond compare.

Hopeful not hopeless

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Quotation from, from “The Subjection of All Things Under the Feet of Jesus”, preached at North Street Chapel Stamford, November 28, 1858 by J.C. Philpot., para. 8. Web. Accessed July 18, 2023. Retrieved from: Under the feet of Jesus


The Real Source Of Light

Trusting in the Real Source of Light

It’s trivia time. 🙂

Which large city is often referred to as the “City of Light”?

You might be thinking Paris, a populous city and French capital that does have that nickname.

On the other hand, some might guess Las Vegas where an estimated 12 million lights illuminate the famous Las Vegas Strip. (Lit up Landmarks, n.d.)1

Could there be anything more spectacular than all those twinkling lights?

God provides us with an answer.

An estimated twelve million lights

The Real Source of Light Eternal

The parade of lights we’re seeing here on earth are truly amazing, but they won’t even compare to what is ahead for believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we know the real source of light – in view of our eternity.


His light was not created by human hands, but by Almighty God Himself.

Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.Revelation 4:11, (NASB).2

Jesus Is the Light of the World

The Real Source of LightKing Jesus is the “Light of the World” – the Real Source of Light in this present darkness.

Jesus taught this to the people gathered in the temple, even those who were opposing Him:

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; the one who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”John 8:12, (NASB).2

As our world sinks into further depravity, we have the assurance of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.

And, someday, we will get to see Him face to face.

That future blessing is something to look forward to and another reason to give our Father praise!!!

The Real Source of Light Shines in the Darkness

Just how beautiful and “lit up” will the city of New Jerusalem be?

We can take comfort in these promising words of Scripture which describe the celestial city of pure gold and an array of precious jewels.

Dazzling to say the least!

I pray this is encouraging to you. 

I’ve heard about a city with many colors, and the God who painted the wings of a butterfly, who blended the colors of the rainbow, who is the light of the city in reflecting His radiance, these gorgeous gems is describing just how beautiful this place is going to be where we’re going to spend eternity.Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dr. Jack Graham.3

Have you noticed the beautiful wings of butterflies?

God painted the wings of the butterfly

None of us really know how grand our future home will be this side of Heaven, except through what the Bible tells us.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word.

Are you ready for a future blessing?

The Holy City will be unlike anything we could ever dream of.

Blessed is His name!

but just as it is written: Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, And which have not entered the human heart, All that God has prepared for those who love Him.1 Corinthians 2:9, (NASB). 4

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1 The Most Expensive Landmarks to Light. (n.d.). Source: Smart Lighting Industries. Retrieved from Lit Up Landmarks

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

3 Dr. Jack Graham sermon. “The Beauty of Heaven.” [YouTube]. [17:52 – 18:23]. June 25, 2023, Web. Accessed July 10, 2023. Retrieved from: Sermon on Heaven.

4Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


God’s Children Not For Sale

God’s Children Not For Sale: The Sound Of Freedom Movie

God's Children Not For Sale

Have you seen the “The Sound of Freedom” movie yet?

Please go see this movie, and take your age-appropriate family members.

It’s up to us to spread awareness in order to finally put an end to the sick and demonic atrocity of child trafficking.

According to the gruesome statistics, an estimated two million children are trafficked every year to become sex slaves. (Sound of Freedom movie, n.d.)1     

Two million.

Let that sink in.

That’s a bigger number than the entire population of San Diego . . . or Dallas, etc. (worldpopulationreview, n.d.)2

The “Sound of Freedom” movie is based on the true story about the heroic efforts of former special agent Tim Ballard and others to rescue the innocents. Ballard is also the founder of Operation Underground Railroad.

Jim Caviezel (of “The Passion of the Christ”) and Mira Sorvino are two of the award-winning actors starring in this powerful film.

Right now only 0.4% of human trafficking victims are ever discovered and either rescued or exited themselves. We all have to do more.Mira Sorvino, actress.3

God’s Children – Not For Sale

Did you know that the sex slave trade is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world?4

Did you know that the U.S. is the number one consumer of child porn/trafficking?

This isn’t just an overseas thing among impoverished nations, this is happening in your own hometown.

Every single day.

The kids feel abandoned and afraid of their captors – with no hope of a way out.

That should break our hearts.

Sound of Freedom movie

So, What Can We Do?

Here are some ideas for your consideration:

  • Go see the movie “Sound of Freedom” before it disappears in theaters.
  • Don’t forget to stay in your seats for the Special Message at the end of the film. A QR code is offered where you can “pay it forward” to buy a free ticket for others to go see this movie.
  • Encourage others to go see it . . . friends, church groups, neighbors, etc.
  • Consider donating to Operation Underground Railroad.
  • Talk to your kids about “stranger danger” and have a family safety code word they can use over the phone if they are in danger.
  • From the website: “It is vital for parents, young adults, teens, and children to know the signs of grooming so they can recognize when someone may have ill intent.”   
  • Enroll your kids in a self-defense class.
  • Talk to your kids about texting personal information with people you and they don’t know. Adult strangers have posed behind fake ID photos as teenagers to get their next victims. You would be shocked at how easy this all is.
  • Have your local Crime Stoppers phone number in your contact list.

The Sound of Freedom Movie

God bless everyone involved with the making of this important film.

Children belong to God and it is our duty to keep them safe.

It is our duty to warn them about this “tsunami of darkness” infecting every city and town in America and all over the world.

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1 Two million children statistic. From “Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios” [YouTube]. May 11, 2023, Web. Accessed July5, 2023. Retrieved from: Sound of Freedom Movie trailer

2 300 largest cities. (n.d.). From World Population Review. Retrieved from “The 300 Largest Cities in the United States by population 2023.

3 Mira Sorvino interview.  “Sound of Freedom actress Mira Sorvino: ‘My heart burns’ to end sex trafficking.” [The Gazette]. July 5, 2023, Web. Accessed July 3, 2023. Retrieved from: Mira Sorvino interview

4 Operation Underground Railroad interview.  “The Ultimate SACRIFICE of One Father That Saved Thousands of HUMAN TRAFFICKING Victims.” [YouTube]. [2:30 – 2:33]. June 1, 2020, Web. Accessed July 3, 2023. Retrieved from:

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