Oldest Man in the Bible

The Oldest Man in the Bible – Get Ready for a Shock!

Did you know that the oldest person in the Bible was a man named Methuselah?

How old you might ask?

You may want to sit down.

Methuselah was 969 years old – making him the oldest man in the Bible.


Right there in Genesis 5:27 . . . 

So all the days of Methuselah were 969 years, and he died.Genesis 5:27, (NASB).1

How could he be that old?

I think of all the anti-aging creams I have bought in the past. 🙂

Even if they did actually work, there’s no way I would ever want to live to be 969 years old!

He was the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam and the grandfather of Noah. He was likely a godly man to have been blessed by God with such a long lifespan. – gotquestions.org.2

These very long and mysterious lifespans seems to defy explanation.

However, the following consideration (there are quite a few) makes a lot of sense to me.

Over time, as a result of sin, the human genetic code became increasingly corrupted, and human beings became more and more susceptible to death and disease (emphasis mine). This would also have resulted in drastically reduced lifespans. gotquestions.org.3

the timeless truths of the Bible

The Oldest Man in the Bible – Trust God’s Word

The unimaginable power and divine nature of God will accomplish His plan for humanity no matter how inexplicable it seems to us.

This side of heaven we don’t completely understand the long lifespans of some of the patriarchs in the Bible.

Even so, we can have complete confidence in the timeless truths in God’s Word because the Bible is God-breathed.

I’m sure the debates about this and other divine mysteries will continue.

Sadly, they’re often fueled, not by curiosity seekers, but ultimately by an Adversary who wants to disprove the Bible by any means necessary.

Whether sin corrupted the long lifespans of the past, or perhaps another interpretation, the bottom line is that God is sovereign and we can trust Him.

He remains the Final Authority and His Word is infallible. 

8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”Isaiah 55:8-9, (NASB).4

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from gotquestions.org from “Why did the people in Genesis live such long lives”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed March 20, 2025. Retrieved from oldest man in the Bible.

3 Quotation from gotquestions.org from “Why did the people in Genesis live such long lives”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed March 20, 2025. Retrieved from long lives in the Bible.

4 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Unending Praise

The Lord Deserves Our Unending Praise

Can you name the fastest animal on earth?

Personally, I would have guessed a Cheetah, but that would have been wrong. 🙂

The fastest animal on earth is the Peregrine Falcon.

Peregrine Falcon

The Amazing Peregrine Falcon

How fast?

Their high diving maneuvers have been clocked at up to 200 mph.1

Now that is fast.

Amazingly, the Peregrine Falcon is just one part of God’s intricate tapestry called “Creation.”

Evidence of His divine design is everywhere.

Imagine the care and incredible artistry God uses when He brings to life a remarkable bird of prey like the Peregrine Falcon.

I delight in our God along with you.

Our amazement over these God-created wonders isn’t the end of it.

We are blessed to be the “stewards” of His creation – appointed by God Himself.

He alone is worthy of our unending praise.

I am reminded of a passage in Revelation 4.

We can echo the elders’ praise by saying these beloved words from Scripture either out loud or in our hearts.

“Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.”Revelation 4:11, (NASB).2

Someday in the future, all of us will honor His glory, together, as a multitude of voices.

In the meantime, I hope you can notice the countless blessings that surround us.

Every day is an opportunity to thank Him.

Unending praise

Unending Praise – Is He Worthy? 

There are a few Christian songs that I like to turn up the volume for on my speakers.

This is one of them.

As I sing along loudly, I sometimes wonder if the neighbors can hear me.

If they do, well, the more the merrier!

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Source Credit, [2023] Courtesy of sciencedigest.org  by Patsy Todd, from “The World’s Fastest Animal: The Peregrine Falcon’s Dive. ” Web. Accessed 13 October, 2023.

Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Agree to Disagree

Agree to Disagree: Valuing Differences

During an argument, have you ever said something to a loved one that you regret?

Perhaps you’re thinking,

I want to take back the harsh words, but it’s too late

Regret is a powerful teacher.

This may be up for debate, but I think it’s never too late.

Is it really worth breaking up a close relationship due to different points of view?

It’s okay to agree to disagree.

It's okay to agree to disagree

Agree to Disagree: Missed Moments to Heal

Recently, I came across an excellent poem that touches on the subject of how we respond to disagreements. If pride on both your parts threatens an important relationship, is it really worth it?

Here, the author shares a simple yet powerful collection of thoughts that are worth considering.

Point of View

I’ve heard it said, “Don’t go to bed
While hanging on to sorrow.
You may not have the chance to laugh;
With those you love tomorrow.”

You may not mean the words you speak
When anger takes its toll.
You may regret your actions
Once you’ve lost your self-control.

When you’ve lost your temper
And you’ve said some hurtful things,
Think about the heartache
That your action sometimes brings.

You’ll never get those moments back,
Such precious time to waste,
And all because of things you said
In anger and in haste.

So if you’re loving someone
And your pride has settled in,
You may not ever have the chance
To say to them again,

“I love you and I miss you
And although we don’t agree,
I’ll try to see your point of view,
Please do the same for me.”

– Unknown


Malicious Gossip – Nobody’s Friend

The Impact of Malicious Gossip

Did you know that malicious gossip is referred to several times in the Bible?

Gossip can spread fast between people, like a wildfire on a windy day.

Add a little extra spice to a “story” and the tall tales become “dainty morsels” for all who will listen.

The words of a gossiper are like dainty morsels,
And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.Proverbs 18:8, (NASB).1

Malicious gossip

Malicious gossip and/or embellishing a situation (which becomes a lie) is not godly behavior – no matter where it happens.

For example, I’ve seen the hurt that malicious gossip caused to friends of mine, and even foolish talk about me personally through the years.

I can assure you, if you’ve ever been in the center of it, you’re not alone.

Additionally, many malicious gossipers are also narcissists. They are so insecure about themselves that they need to demean others.

Malicious Gossip – Nobody’s Friend

Here’s one example of malicious gossip from my own life.

When we first moved to Texas, I “temped” at a bank. It was the first job I could get and we needed the extra income.

During my time there, I injured my leg – tore my gastroc muscle – during a bench-stepping exercise after work.

Weight - a frequent gossip topic

Limping around on crutches was no picnic.

I worked hard to get my strength back.

Every night my husband and I would hit the gym and I would walk around the track over and over, first using a crutch until eventually I could walk it on my own.

I also started a popular low fat diet at the time.

The diet and exercise worked. I started losing a lot of weight.

Eventually, I went from a size 8 down to a size 6 pretty easily.


Unfortunately, malicious gossip started at the bank. A group of women decided to spread the rumor that I was anorexic.

Childish, huh?

Malicious gossip - Nobody's friend

Even so, the gossips continued to spread their poison until it reached the bank president.

Afterward, he called me into his office because he was concerned about what he was hearing.

We had a nice talk and he agreed that those women obviously needed a new hobby.

It confounds me how some people and their friends can so easily want to lie and bring others down.

I’ve seen malicious gossip hurt people at their jobs, and also in churches.

Malicious Gossip – Churches Too?

Sadly, yes.

To emphasize with at least one example, a dear friend of mine who lives in a different state told me about the time that she and her new husband were maliciously gossiped about at their church. It became too vicious and too much. No one on the church’s staff would handle the situation, so our friends ended up leaving.

In reality, God is watching . . . all of us.

He is fully aware of our hearts and motives.

Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, Lord, You know it all.Psalm 139:4, (NASB).2

I ask you, shouldn’t we as Christians be building each other up instead of tearing down a brother or sister in Christ?

In short, if someone you know is spreading gossip, tell them you don’t want to hear it!

Another key point: if they gossip about someone else, they will likewise gossip about you someday.

   Nobody’s Friend

       My name is Gossip.  I have no respect for justice.  I maim without killing.  I break
hearts and ruin lives.  I am cunning and malicious and gather strength with age.
The more I’m quoted, the more I’m believed.  I flourish at every level of society. My victims are helpless.  They cannot protect themselves against me because I have no name and no face.  To track me down is impossible.  The harder you try, the more elusive I become.  I am nobody’s friend.  Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.  I topple governments and wreck marriages.  I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights, heartache and indigestion.  I spawn suspicion and generate grief. I make innocent people cry in their pillows.  Even my name hisses.  I am called “gossip.” Office gossip.  Shop gossip.  Telephone gossip.  Church gossip.  I make headlines and headaches.  Before you repeat a story, ask yourself, “Is it true?”;  “Is it fair?”; “Is it necessary?”  If not, SHUT UP!  (author unknown.)

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


God’s Perfect Timing

Surrendering Control: God’s Perfect Timing

Meet Tris.

Our little girl Tris

She’s our gorgeous 3-year-old Siberian Husky who has completely stolen our hearts.

Actually, we have two sweet Sibes. 

The other beauty is Tris’ mom, Shimmer.

Our silly girl Shimmer

These two are hilarious together, and keep us laughing at their daily antics.

Did you know that dogs can tell time?

Especially these two.

They absolutely know when it’s dinner time.

It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, they will jump up in our laps on the couch – all 40 pounds each of them.

I can just imagine their thoughts as they try to get us to move towards the kitchen with their dog bowls in our hands.

Hurry up, you two

Why are you taking so long?

Hey, it’s time!

If we don’t get up fast enough, they start talking with their woebegone characteristic Siberian “wooing” like they’ve never had a meal in their lives.

And just like us, when they want something, they want it NOW.

I can relate.  😊

Patience is not my strong suit.

I try to be patient during a “waiting period” for God’s timing, but it’s hard, right?

God, I’d prefer to get an answer now

Ok, how about tomorrow then?

Learning to wait on God’s perfect timing can take practice.

We would do well to remember that everything will unfold at just the right moment.

The path ahead of us may seem unclear, but God knows every outcome.

Any divine delays are for a reason.

God’s Perfect Timing and Divine Delays

When experiencing a divine delay, it takes more than just patience. It also takes trust and faith.

Consider it an opportunity to deepen our relationship with the One who created us.

By trusting in Him, no matter how long it takes, a blessing may come in a very unexpected way.

You don’t want to miss it by forging on ahead without God and without prayer.

Trust God’s Plan
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

In the illusion of control, you place your trust,
Thinking your destiny, in your hands, you must adjust.
But God’s plan surpasses what your mind can conceive,
In Jesus, true purpose and fulfillment you’ll receive.

You may chart your course, with precision and care,
But God’s sovereign hand, is always there.
For He alone knows the path you should take,
Without Jesus’ guidance, your plans will break.

Your choices matter, of this, there’s no doubt,
But God’s will prevails, casting shadows of doubt.
In Jesus, find solace, in His guiding light,
Trust in His wisdom, through the darkest night.

So release your grip, on the reins of fate,
And trust in God’s timing, it’s never too late.
For in His hands, your destiny lies,
In Jesus, find peace, under His skies.
God's perfect timing

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1 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “Trust God’s Plan”. [online post]. From Short Poems and Quotes, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed January 5, 2025. 

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