A Time To Laugh

A time to laugh

Things are so serious right now, who could use a good laugh?

Do we think Jesus only wants our tears and fears and prayer requests?

Bring Him your laughter too!

The Bible says there is a time for everything – including sadness and joy.

A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.Ecclesiastes 3:4, (NASB).1

God created laughter.

We are gifted with the ability to laugh at ourselves, and often at our own circumstances.

With that in mind, I’ll share one of my own, “I can’t believe this really happened”, moments.

A Time To Laugh? Can You Believe This Really Happened?

My husband and I used to have an RV.

One weekend – that promised to be gorgeous – we headed to the lake.

We set up our clam tent right beside our rig.

By the way, I love clam tents.

Have you ever seen one?

Best camping thing ever.

The flying clam tent

You can set it up anywhere, secure it to the ground, and read your book or eat a meal or whatever and the best part, mosquitos can’t get in!

Take that, skeeters!

That is, until that one day . . .

Out of nowhere, the wind picked up.

A lot.

The RV started to rock a little.

I questioned the credibility of our local meteorologists.

Stuff started flying around outside so I went back inside our RV.

It took awhile, but the winds finally calmed down. 

Ahhh – back outside to my clam tent hideaway.

Wait a minute . . . where is the clam tent?

My husband and frantically started searching throughout the camp site.

We even split up to cover more ground.

A short while later, I heard his voice, “Found it!”

I went running over.


“Over . . . there.”

No kidding, our clam tent actually flew “Wizard of Oz” style all the way across the lake.

It had sunk until there was nothing left to see except a tiny bit of the roof.


This is when you know you have good friends (the kind who will drop everything to come to your rescue).

Two mighty husbands drove the long way around to get to the opposite side of the lake.

Somehow (must be those muscles!) they managed to get that sopping wet, and now stinky with lake water, tent out of the water.

It flies

To this day, my husband and I still laugh about that flying clam tent. 

How crazy that must have looked to anyone else seeing that thing flying through the air.  🙂

At least it wasn’t a flying cow and a twister.

A Time to Laugh and Baby Animals are Hilarious

Ready for another laugh?

Another thing that cracks me up are baby animals.

Have you seen this viral video of a baby porcupine eating corn on the cob?

Who knew that a porcupine could be so doggone cute?

Meet Rico.  🙂

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
