Bloom Where You Are Planted

Embracing Opportunities: Bloom Where You Are Planted 

Bloom where you are plantedHave you ever heard the expression, “Bloom where you are planted”?

While this phrase is not in the Bible, from a Christian perspective, it means to make the best of the opportunities that we’re given to “give God the glory.”

Does it mean you have to be a missionary to a foreign country? No.

A Bible Study teacher? No.

You can bloom where you are planted right there in your own neighborhood.

I’ve seen this grace in action, and it’s a touching thing.

A few years ago, a woman in our neighborhood had breast cancer surgery. She had five young kids. The call went out, neighbors banded together, and we were able to present this young mother with meals and a gift basket full of encouraging notes and gift cards to help lift her up during her recovery.

But, what if your talents lie in other areas?

Consider What Talents you Have

Are you good at public speaking? Share your testimony with others. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an auditorium full of listeners or just one, the Lord is honored when you praise His name before others. Pray for the Lord to open those doors.

If you hear about a friend going through financial difficulties, you could surprise him or her with an anonymous gift card. We’ve done that in the past and it’s extremely rewarding, especially using the “anonymous” feature.  The whole purpose is to honor the ultimate Giver of All Things with what He has blessed us with. 

For years, I’ve handed out business cards to thank military veterans (and also police officers) for their service. Whether I see an officer in a restaurant or just walking along a sidewalk, it’s a blast to brighten up their day with a permanent keepsake they can keep in their wallets.

For first responders

Sometimes small things like this can bring big smiles.

Another Great Idea to Bloom Where You Are Planted

Recently, a friend of mine showed me a business card that she made to hand out to exceptional people in the service industry. (Waiters, contractors, etc.)

I loved the idea so asked her permission to make my own.

With a little tweaking to the design and wording, I made my own new card. It’s colorful, and, besides the encouraging words, Matthew 5:16 is referenced on it as well.

Awesome service today

When we took our recent trip to Alaska, I got to hand out my first card.

You may be surprised as to whom I gave it to.

We went to the Beatles show on the ship. The venue was crowded and, by the time we got there, there was absolutely no place to sit. We waited a bit and tried to decide if we could stand for over an hour in that crowded room.

It was then when a sweet mom who was sitting nearby tapped me on the shoulder and said, “my son wants to give you his seat.”

What a sweetheart! I handed her my card to give to him. She was beaming as both our friends and I complimented her on raising her young son to be a perfect gentleman. She added, “He’s going to love this!”

Giving Joy To Others

Suffice it to say giving joy to others is a blessing for the intended and also for the giver.

We were created in God’s image. Sin marred that image. When God bought us back for Himself, it was to restore His image in us and free us to become all we were created to be. When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us, He prompts us to do things that glorify God (John 14:26). Our desire to please God grows as our understanding of Him grows. That desire to please God results in good

Let your light shine, friends, and bloom where you are planted!

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Quotation from from “What does it mean that good works are the result of salvation”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed September 5, 2024. Retrieved from Good works.
