Jesus Walked Among Us
Yes, It’s Real: Jesus Walked Among Us
If you want to think about something truly amazing, how about the fact that Jesus walked among us?
That is, in earlier Biblical times, God’s only Son walked along the same ground as humanity.
It’s almost incomprehensible.

A view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives
Here, from the book of John, is perhaps the most well-known verse from Scripture.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. – John 3:16, (NASB).1
Jesus, both God and man, is the ultimate expression of the depths of God’s love for us.
Who are we to deserve such a gift?
His sacrifice on the cross exemplifies the ultimate act of love.
Through no works of our own, He offers believers a path of free grace which leads to our salvation.
He didn’t die for Himself. He took sin upon Himself. He died for those who did not deserve it. When we put our faith into who He is, Jesus Christ, the God-man, and we put our faith into what He did for us, then righteousness, His righteousness, is now written to our account. You cannot be righteous in yourself. To think that you can earn your way into heaven is to put yourself on equality with God, and you cannot do it. The only man who ever did it was the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, putting our faith into Him. Then His righteousness and His life come to live in us. Now He can produce through us what we could have never done ourselves. – Precept Austin commentary.2
Jesus Walked Among Us: He is Real
We know from the Bible that when Jesus walked among the people, He showed them great love and compassion.
He comforted the brokenhearted.
Why would we think He would be any different today?
He hears your prayers and mine.
As of this writing, Jesus has not yet returned, but He is coming!
In the meantime, set your sights on His victorious return.
I hope the following poem will encourage you as it did me.
Look To The Cross
By Catherine Pulsifer
In the stillness of the night, you hear the call,
Jesus beckons, He invites one and all.
Up high in heaven, God’s Son does reside,
Yet on earth, His love for you does abide.
Look up to the cross, where Jesus bled,
For you, for me, His precious blood shed.
In simple faith, just believe and see,
The saving grace He offers for free.
No need to search in distant skies,
For Jesus is near, He hears your cries.
He walked amongst us, in human form,
To guide us through life’s tempest and storm.
God’s love is so deep, it knows no end,
His mercy and grace, they always mend.
So come to Jesus, with a heart open wide,
In Him, true peace and joy abide.
Through His word, a message so clear,
Jesus, our Savior, always near.
So heed the call, don’t hesitate,
In Jesus, find your eternal fate.
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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
2 Dr. Wayne A. Barber quotation is from the Romans 10:1-10 Commentary, [2015] Courtesy of Precept Austin, Web. Accessed 9 August, 2024.
3 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “Look To The Cross.” [online post]. From, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed August 5, 2024. Look To The Cross