Never Alone

Never Alone: God With Us

Do you have a favorite Psalm?

I actually have two – Psalms 23 and 139.

Psalm 23 by King David is short enough to memorize, and yet, in just six verses, we have powerful and reassuring truths that comfort countless believers to this day. 

The Psalm begins this way:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .1

He is our shepherd and we are the Savior’s sheep.

Never alone

If you know anything about sheep, they’re very dependent animals.

They need the guidance of a shepherd to help keep them safe.

Like sheep, we too can easily be led astray without our Shepherd to guide us.

We may feel confident in our own strength, but it’s only through Jesus that we can have eternal life.

Never Alone in Every Storm of Life

During the April – May springtime storm season this year in Texas – no kidding, it seemed like every single day we were facing tornado weather.

One of those nights my husband wasn’t home yet, and a bad storm was approaching.

Nonstop TV weather alerts warned our area that a developing tornado was heading right for our county.

I hate tornadoes.

I remember during my reporter days interviewing a family who lost their mother during a dangerous tornado.  I’ve never forgotten the emotional pain in their eyes.

Whenever I see that little red triangular-shaped icon on the TV map aiming for our county, I go into storm prep mode.

I’m leashing dogs, gathering important papers etc., and preparing to head to the shelter just in case.

The soothing words of Psalm 23 came to me in that rush to prepare.

Over and over, I recited the entire Psalm out loud.

It seemed like an eternity until my husband got home.

By the grace of God, our particular area was spared from the tornado.

But, even if it we didn’t have a good outcome, there was comfort in knowing that we’re never alone through life’s storms.

God has not promised to bring peace to every storm, but He has promised to give us peace through any storm if we will trust Him to take care of us. – got

Psalm 23 – We Are Never Alone

Trust in Jesus and find refuge.

It’s no wonder that Psalm 23 with its powerful message has inspired countless songwriters over the years.

Speaking of which, have you heard the song, “Not Alone” by Christian vocalist Meredith Joy Keller?

As of this writing, the song’s debut on YouTube has garnered over 40,000 views so far.

This is a great song and I’m happy to share!

Every note speaks to the heart.

Please enjoy.

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from, from “What did Jesus mean when He said, “Peace, be still”? n.d., para. 7. Web. Accessed June 30, 2024. Retrieved from Peace, be still
