The Roaring Lion

The Roaring Lion in a World of Prey

Sometimes, there are blog posts that are difficult to write. This will be one of those.

I am outraged.

There is an epidemic of child sexual abuse continuing to take place (and often covered up by the leaders) in some churches.

This horrific crime is not specific to any denomination.

Sadly, it is happening in both Protestant and Catholic churches.

The Evil One (the roaring lion) –  is everywhere, and yes, including in churches.

The roaring lion

The terrible news about a Texas mega-church pastor accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl (now a woman) has finally come to light and it is receiving the attention and demands for justice that it deserves.

Like others, I am heartbroken for the victim. 

I’m also sad for that church’s congregation who put their trust, like we all do, in what should be a safe place for the body of Christ.

It sickens me that there are actual cases where a perpetrator was transferred to a different church, or simply removed from the pulpit to “receive counseling”.

The Evil One is the roaring lion in a world of prey.

As Christians, WE are the prey.

Whatever Satan can do to divide the Church, including using members or leadership to do his bidding, he will do it.

The Roaring Lion: We Are The Hunted

Back in my TV reporter days, as wonderful as that career was, sometime I had to cover stories that broke my heart.

Both the TV station and I took a lot of heat when I reported about a sexual abuse case in the local catholic church.

The priest who molested the altar boy was transferred to another church parish – as if THAT was the solution. What about his potential future victims in a new church?

What about that innocent nine year old whom I think about every time I hear about cases like the most recent?

For one week, I sat in a courtroom listening to gut-wrenching testimony.

At the end of the day I had to go “live” outside the courtroom and report the latest court proceedings to our viewers.

And, every night I went home and cried my eyes out.

Surprisingly, many people didn’t want to hear about it.

Maybe they thought if the News didn’t report it, the ugliness would just go away??

It was hard, but I got through it knowing it was the right thing to do – to expose this horrible wrong.

How could anyone abuse a child?

In a church?

In a school?

Do you know what takes real courage?

Real courage is a male or female victim of this horrible crime speaking up and speaking out against the abuse they suffered, and in some cases, the pitiful way some churches handle it.

Parents – please do not stand for any church cover-up, or any proposed solution for a proven perpetrator to just “get counseling”.

Call the police, or sheriff’s office, and demand an investigation.

Sexual abuse – no matter where it happens – is a crime.

When Jesus Reigns

We know that God forgives every sin from a repentant heart.

Along with that repentance, a crime (such as the sexual abuse of a child) must be punished.

Wake up Church, and pray.

There is a great shaking going on in this world right now.

I pray that God will continue to expose these crimes no matter when and where they occur and I pray for the victims as they can face lifelong trauma.

There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan. C.S. Lewis

It’s our responsibility to be discerning and watchful in this evil world while we wait for our Lord’s return.

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1 Quotation by C.S. Lewis, influential theologian, (1898-1963) courtesy of Christian
