The World’s Empty Promises

Beyond The Façade: The World’s Empty Promises 

Do you ever feel disillusioned by what the world offers?

The World's Empty Promises

We are constantly bombarded with media and internet messages telling us what our priorities should be.

Have more

Do more

Be more

But, just like a heavily-advertised wrinkle cream, quick fixes and instant gratification are only temporary.

In this era of influencers, Hollywood agendas, AI, and disappointing politicians, God offers us the lifeline for a lifetime.

There’s only one path to eternal joy and happiness forever – through Jesus.

While the world looks at the external, Jesus looks at our hearts.

Jesus is the Answer to the World’s Empty Promises

The world’s narrative of a future utopia is a lie, and that ideology will fail.

But God will never fail us.

It seems as if the only certainty we have right now is uncertainty . . . or, is it?

As Christians we have divine assurance and our future is certain.

This world is not our home.

We revere a Heavenly Father who will always fulfill His promises.

How amazing is that?

Meditate on His Word.

Immerse yourself in His unfailing promises and find peace for your soul.

With a thank you to poet Catherine Pulsifer, I wanted to share her beautiful poem below which gently reminds us where we can find true peace.

In The Chaos Of Life
By Catherine Pulsifer

In the chaos of life, you seek for peace,
A calm that never fades, a sweet release.
But the world offers empty promises, fleeting,
Only in Jesus, true peace, you’ll be meeting.

Non-believers scoff, they cannot comprehend,
The peace that surpasses all, that will never end.
For it’s not found in riches or worldly gain,
But in God’s love, through Jesus, it will remain.

In trials and tribulations, you may face,
Jesus offers a refuge, a saving grace.
Though storms may rage and troubles abound,
In Jesus, true peace is always found.

It’s a peace beyond understanding, they say,
That carries you through each day.
For in Jesus, God’s love shines bright,
Bringing peace that conquers the darkest night.

So hold fast to Jesus, let His peace fill your soul,
In His presence, you’ll find your heart made whole.
Though misunderstood by those who do not believe,
In Jesus, true peace you will receive.1

I love that!

The world’s empty promises disappoint, but our relationship with Christ will lead to everlasting joy.

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1 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “In The Chaos Of Life.” [online post]. From, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed June 10, 2024. In The Chaos Of Life
