Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Children

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Children

                            greatest gift

What is the greatest gift you can give your children?

And, whatever you do, don’t ask “them” that question.   🙂

You might end up with answers like:

A pony

The latest toy or game

Giving away their brother or sister 

Chuckles aside, the greatest gift you can give them is to love them enough to tell them about Jesus.

Nurturing Your Children’s Faith

When I was growing up, I was taught to worship God.

But, it seemed at that time that He was too busy with bigger issues like war and famine to care about little old me. 

There was no emphasis on Jesus, and God’s plan for our salvation through His Son.

Boy, was that wrong! I am so grateful to have found my way to Christ as an adult.

The way this world is going, if you don’t teach your children about Jesus, the world will teach them to become atheists.

Imagine if we started raising generations of children who stood uncompromisingly on the Word of God, knew how to defend the Christian faith, could answer the skeptical questions of this age, and had a fervor to share the gospel from the authority of God’s Word with whomever they met! This could change the world. – Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis.1


As a parent, you were given a precious gift from God.

The greatest gift that you can give your “gift from God” is to teach them why He sent us His Son, Jesus.

Psalm 127 reaffirms this parental blessing:

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward. – Psalm 127:3, (NASB).2

Your children need your direction in this dark world.

They will also need your fervent prayers.

greatest gift you can give your children

The world has changed, and your kids will face many challenges.

Teaching them to pray will be so worth it.

Can you imagine the sweet words you could hear in Heaven from your loved ones:  “Thank you, Mom (and/or Dad) for praying for me all those years.”

In her poem, “Raising Children For The Lord” M.S. Lowndes shares the beauty and awesome responsibility of the gift of parenting.

With her permission, I am happy to share it here.

Raising Children For The Lord

It’s such an awesome privilege
And a big responsibility,
God has given to us as parents
This wonderful opportunity
To raise our precious children
And instil into their lives
The wonder and amazement
Of the love of Jesus Christ

So they will learn to trust in Him
And worship and to pray,
To love others with the love of God
And to honour and obey
As parents, we’ve been entrusted
To raise them in God’s love
To be there to encourage them
When they feel like giving up

And to be there just to listen
When life deals some painful blows
And comfort them when they feel afraid
And when tears begin to flow
To share with them those joyful times,
The precious moments in their lives
When doors begin to open up
And opportunities arise

Through everything they face in life,
Let’s be there cheering them on,
For we only have one chance at this,
For childhood soon is gone
So let’s rely on Father God
To raise them to become
Men or Women who trust in Him
And in His precious Son.

© By M.S.Lowndes

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1 Ken Ham quotation, courtesy of

Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Poetry courtesy of M.S. Lowndes. “Raising Children For The Lord.” [online post]. From, ©M.S. Lowndes, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed September 8, 2022.
