The Long Goodbye
The Long Goodbye

Sweet Jazz in his prime
This is a sad time for us as we are grieving the loss of one of our best friends, so please bear with me.
After months and many efforts to try and preserve his quality of life, we had to say goodbye to our sweet 12-year-old Siberian Husky, “Jazz.”
Goodbyes are always difficult, and these past few days have been especially emotional.
Jazzy was diagnosed with an aggressive liver cancer. We tried everything we could possibly do to help him through it, but nothing would ease his discomfort.
When our longtime vet said our boy is at “the end” – it was one of the worst conversations of our lives.
At the end of a cherished pet’s life, they say “the hardest thing to do” is also “the most loving thing” to do.
We love Jazz so much . . . but now we grieve.
I’m sitting here in my office this morning waiting for Jazz to walk in to get the dog treat that he knows is always waiting for him.
But he’s not coming. (Tears falling.)
People often ask if their beloved dogs will be there to greet them in Heaven.
There are a lot of guesses about this, but no one really knows, except God.
And of course, nothing will compare to meeting Jesus face-to-face.
Speaking from my heart, I would like to add that through many tears, if you ask my husband and me whether our fur babies will be there also, we say “Yes.”
We know that at this very moment our beloved Jazz is already across the Rainbow Bridge, happy as he always was and waiting to greet us some day in our heavenly home.
Till then, sweet boy.