A Grateful Heart
Life Lessons
No matter what your plans are, they can change in an instant and sometimes in a bad way.
That’s a lesson I had to re-learn just a few days ago.
I admit, sometimes I need to remind myself to slow down.
It’s hard because there’s never enough hours in the day, right?
Slow Down, Sister
It was bound to happen.
I had a big “to-do” list running around in my head, even though it was a Saturday.
In my usual mad dash through the house, I bent over to clean up an area on the floor.
Unfortunately, I straightened up too fast, and accidentally wrenched my back.
Big, big mistake.
The pain was excruciating.
I haven’t felt pain like that in years.
If you’ve ever had a severe back injury, then you know what I mean.
I took a couple of Advil and got in bed thinking that was all I needed to do to make a miraculous recovery.
I can dream, can’t I?
The Advil didn’t help.
Thirty minutes later, I decided to get up and walk around – thinking that slow walking would loosen up the increasing spasms.
Walking didn’t help either.
I didn’t think it was possible, but the pain got worse, and it started hurting so badly I could barely breathe – almost to the point of fainting. My concerns became alarm.
When my husband got home a few minutes later, I was a complete mess and ready to head to an emergency medical clinic.
The trip to the ER included a two-hour wait to get in to see a doctor, two shots, and strong pain medications.
A Grateful Heart
The next morning after I took the scheduled meds, I had a terrible reaction to them. Fever and nausea set in and lingered the whole day and night. I did get sick…all with a bad back to boot.
It was all very humbling.
As I lay there in pain, I determined never, ever, to bend over and clean up a spot on the floor again!
Not really.
I prayed to God that the nausea would pass soon.
And, with a grateful heart, I thanked Him that I’m able to breathe at all.
Things are going to go wrong at times, but I know that the Author of Life walks with me through it all.