What Happened To Sin?

What Happened To Sin?

Have you ever heard the expression, “Give ‘em an inch, and they’ll take a mile”?

It reminds me of the compromises taking place in some modern churches.

These ungodly distractions enter into a church and pretty soon the whole Gospel message takes a tumble.

How sad it is when we read news items like:

  • More churches are letting the culture dictate what’s taught in God’s house. Messages about sin, forgiveness, the end times, and salvation are bumped for more “feel good” sermons about what nice people we all are.

You can’t make this stuff up. It’s really happening.

As discerning Christians, we need to be aware of deceptions like these, and not fall for them.

That’s some downer news for our faith, right?

But God is with us, no matter what.

What happened to Sin

No one knows His divine timeline, but we do have the triumphant return of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to look forward to.

No secular movement, false gods, or future political agendas will ever be able to change or delay His return.

Praise the Lord!

All Sin Is Against God

As Christians – we must be discerning.

Changing the gospel message to satisfy cultural movements is a deception.

Can you believe the depth of the disrespect and irreverence towards God this all is? Changing God’s inspired Word?

Thoughts about the news items mentioned above prompted me to write a poem called “What Happened To Sin?”

It’s been on my heart and I was finally able to put pen to paper.


What Happened to Sin?

Who is Man to twist God’s Word?
Oh, haven’t you heard?

“The Bible’s too convicting,
let’s put it away, or we won’t grow our church,”
the false teachers say.

“Let’s only preach Love, and helping the poor
Just forget that Hell is real with an open door.
Talking about Sin will just turn them off
We must grow our church at any cost.”

“So what if our sermons are not “sound” preaching?
Our coffee is good and our influence far-reaching.”
We exclude parts of Scripture, so people feel good,
Jesus came to make us happy, right?
Don’t you think we should?”

“Why give a sermon about God’s Final Judgment?
The church will empty, they’ll find the message repugnant.

Keep it lighthearted and throw out the hymns
Crank up the amps, keep the lights dim.”
Light some incense to set the mood,
Leave the End Times out of it,
It will all be good.”

To those preachers, I say,
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
Those external trappings aren’t what churches should be pursuing.
We’re to share the Gospel and reach the lost.
Our salvation as sinners came at such a high cost.
Jesus came to save us – a Ransom for you and me,
His Word is absolute truth  —  just…let…it…be.

By Gracie Jane © 2018, All rights reserved.   

