Praying for Your Spouse

Hey, good-looking!married couple

That means you. 🙂

Sit down for a sec while I ask you an important question that all married couples need to ask themselves.

(p.s. This has nothing to do with who fell in love with whom, first! It’s funny the answers you get when you ask couples that question.)

No, the real question is …

Did you know that you should pray for your spouse every day?

I would love to be able to say that I do, but my honest answer is “sometimes I forget.”

Every day?

I’m lucky if I can remember where my reading glasses are.

I know that praying for my spouse is what God wants me (and you for yours) to do.

Even when they’re being a stinker?

Yes, even when they’re being stinker.  🙂

Praying for your spouse can happen almost anywhere. You can pray while you’re in bed at night, on your lunch hour, or in the car. How about in the bathtub?

Sure. Why not?

I am going to make a conscious effort to pray for my husband every day from now on.

Appreciate your spouse

Ideas About What to Pray

Here’s a little guideline:

  • Your spouse’s relationship with the Father.
  • That he/she will make wise decisions during the day.
  • That he/she will keep the faith and avoid temptations.
  • Pray that he/she will have a good day at their jobs.
  • Pray also that you will be a better listener and partner to your spouse.

Please commit to praying for your spouse. It’s the right thing to do.

After all, your spouse is a gift from God.

Delight in God and Delight in Your Spouse

Praying for your spouse

When’s the last time you told your spouse how much you appreciate him or her? Just a simple and heartfelt expression like, “I’m blessed to have you in my life.”

Then, if you really want to put some icing on the cake, why not add,

“You SURE ARE good-looking!”

Trust me.

It works.

You’re welcome.  🙂
